No updates (so far...)
24th - Changed the logo of the website from "Pankeike" to "Galand"
22nd - updated the web of the week
21st - Back to working on the website, Changed the name of the website to: Galand, because I want this website to be more Gyaru and I changed the site rating from PG to 14+
14th - Today I am updating the art page, putting at least some art on there
8th - it's 2025, happy year of the snake
17th - I have finsihed puting the buttons into the shrine hub, the only one that is active is the Crystal Button but the Xanie button will be ready... soonish.
16th - Instead of the Shrine button going to Crystal shrine automatically, it now leads to a place called Shrine Hub
11th - Update all the fonts, where you can find here
25th -
24th - Upadted the nav bar section on the home page
27th - New blog post
24th - The art gallery button is up
30th - I made a comment box for the home page
25th - I am now rebranding the website from "Jo-fashion" To "Pankeike", I'll be giving me reasoning as to why in the Help area
26th - I updated the blog page there are now 3 new blogs
8th - Today is my birthday, I turn 16 today. Yippe!
6th - I coded a newblogarea instead of using "Blogger" so yea, it's still a WIP but hopefully will be done... soonish
22nd - Carrd, Geust Book ,Web of the week and Help are all now up and working. I also added clickable buttons on the top of the home page and non-clickable blinkies to the bottom. I also updated crochet finished
18th - I made the home page in my redesign of this website and this, the updates section. I also made the navigation bar that now has links that lead to Home , Blog and Crochet