



Link to website: ZAYTNZCITY

Hi hello I'm Jo so I'm back at it again with reviewing another website, and like I say in all my web reviews I am not here to harshly criticize or ostracize the creators of the website, this is all for fun and to be taken with a grain of salt. When giving the creators of these websites critique I want it to be taken lightly. They do not have to pay any mind to my constructive criticism. That being said, let move onto the review!


Starting off strong with tons of cool stuff on the home page, so much to look at and so many eye catching animations but not too much to where it's overstimulating and not enjoyable which I apreciate. While reading the first section it seems theres some parts that are cut off by the decorations on the site and I have to wonder if that was intentional or not. I like the comment section he has and I totally stole it for my website cus I had been looking for a comment section code for my website. I also like the animation that was made, it's sketchy but well done and its the main thing I look at when looking at the website. Anyways, I've talked enough about the home page onto to the next section!


I read through the about me and I must say it's quite relatable, I too have a hard time wrtiting about myself and I find that doing it more often does not help at all. Theres still a little voice in my head saying I'm concited, But nonetheless, I like how the page is set up and you should totally go follow Zaytn on all of his socails that are linked on the about page.


A lot of the things your supposed to read are covered up by other things, so I think this is just a formatting error with not using media qurrey. But I can't blame him, I hate re formattiing my website for other devices, mobile users suffer am I right? Like I said before I can't read most on this page and I have no input on his intrest, so I will go onto the next section. Cool format though!


I love the way the art page is set up, I'm totally gonna take inspo from this cus I have been struggling making my own art section. My personal favorite peice was this drawing from 2023. The art is amazing very messy but intentional and I like it.


I never thought of making a page dedicated to my friends and mutals, this is really cool! I am totally jelous that you have freinds that are into coding becuase I have none lol. The way the site is set up is really cute, it makes me feel like a fish. That's all I have to say about this page

Over all rating

Readability: ★★☆☆☆

Color scheme: ★★★★★

Interactiveness: ★★★★☆

Layout structure: ★★★★☆

being green: ★★★★★

I would totally reccomend taking a look at this website and you should go and comment and sign into his guest book! I like the whole vibe of it but it's obviously not done but like... what website is ever fully finished, mine certainly isn't. I would have added the websites button to my collection but I had a lot of trouble using it, the button was huge when adding it in from saved image and it wasn't the correct size when I tried to then resize it so it didn't look like the rest of the buttons, but if that gets fixed I will deffiently add the button to my others!